Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The $25-a-cup cup of poo

Yes, you read right.  A cup of poo for $25 (and that’s just an espresso shot). 

Bali Kopi Lubak comes from Asian Palm Civits (a small mammal – maybe like a possum), whose favourite food is the red, ripe, coffee cherry and they eat the fruit, bean and all.  But, the civits only take the best-quality beans, so after they are pooed out, the coffee producers know that the beans inside the poo are the best quality.

The result?  A load of bullshit, of course!  Even the big ANZAC biscuit and glass of water didn’t make it worth the money.

We couldn’t taste the difference, although I don’t drink short blacks, so I can’t really compare it to anything.   The texture was smooth, I will admit that, but it was supposed to taste earthy, with hints of caramel or chocolate, which I can confirm were NOT there (I know chocolate when I taste it).  It was quite bitter, but I didn’t feel like I’d be doing it justice if I added sugar. 

I wouldn’t mind trying a latte made with the beans, but I won’t be paying another $25 to find out.  We did manage to smuggle out a few beans that were left on a saucer, so I will give it a go at home and get back to you.

1 comment:

La Casa del Caffe said...

kopi luwak or poo coffee is now prohibited for entry into Australia unless is has been processed (by means other than through the digestive tract of an animal, that is!)
So if you want to try it in Oz you'd better be quick otherwise you'll be drinking stale poo!
We enjoy your blogs Gill. Nxx